Electric Department

Whitehall Electric Utility is municipally owned and maintains an electric distribution system that services residential, commercial, and industrial customers in the City of Whitehall. The purpose of this distribution system is "step down" the 69,000 volt power that is delivered to our substations via cross-state transmission lines from our power supplier, providing electricity to your home or business at the appropriate safe voltage.

Meter Reading & Billing

Gone are the days when a utility employee would walk to each and every meter to ‘read the meter’. Employees collect usage data from your electric meter with an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). AMI is often referred to as a smart metering system.  Our electric meters communicate with collection software daily.  Once a month utility staff import the monthly data into the billing system to produce your monthly billing statement.

Meter reads are imported on the first of every month.  Utility billing statements are typically mailed by the 5th of every month and are due on the 24th of each month.